
More About: 'Genetically-modified'

19 European Countries Say No to GMOs

One by one, European Union member states stepped out in defiance against Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow and the rest of the biotech mafia last week.

Will New ‘Spray GMOs’ Reignite the Frankenfood Debate?

Monsanto is at it again. The widely reviled biotech company has been hard at work formulating a chemical it’s calling BioDirect, which, when sprayed onto a plant, reconfigures the plant’s genes to do things like kill pests that want to eat it, prevent browning of apples, or improve the taste of tomatoes. Those last two ...

Bad News for Consumers: DARK Act Moves Closer to Passing

America has spoken, but (surprise!) Congress isn’t listening. A whopping 93 percent of Americans favor a law requiring foods containing genetically modified organisms to be labeled. But instead, lawmakers are marching forward with a bill that actually makes it illegal for states to pass labeling laws.

Big Food is Ditching Additives and GMOs—Could Real Change Be Happening?

Most days, as we witness the stranglehold agribusinesses and Big Food have on legislation and on campaigns for food justice, it’s easy to despair over the direction our food system is headed.

A Game-Changing New GMO Label Hits the Scene

Anyone who’s been in a grocery store lately can attest: There’s a label for almost everything these days.

Why Chipotle Said ‘No’ to GMOs

Chipotle says it’s “G-M-Over it.” The burrito giant responded to growing consumer pressure today, announcing that all genetically modified foods have been booted from the menu. GMOs weren’t lurking in many ingredients to begin with—only genetically modified corn and soy had to be eliminated. Both were used in the chain’s tortillas, and the cooking oil ...

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