
Vitamin D3 Benefits

Last Update: May 16, 2023

When it comes to talk of vitamins and their impact on health, sometimes it can be alphabet soup trying to figure out what each one does. While vitamin C has been branded as the option for immune support and E is regarded for its skin healing benefits, there are some key others that are just as important to understand—like vitamin D3.

The basics of vitamin D

Vitamin D is a unique type of vitamin because it actually acts more like a steroid hormone than a dietary aid and is not readily available in most foods like other vitamins often are; because of this, it’s estimated that nearly 75 percent of Americans have some kind of deficiency.

Rather, vitamin D is sourced primarily from the sun, which is why it’s often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin.” When the skin absorbs sunlight, it synthesizes the UVB rays into vitamin D.

Though you should always limit long exposure to the sun, getting adequate amounts of rays is the first step in ensuring your body has good stores, which is important since vitamin D has a tremendous effect on mood and, over time, can help to ease symptoms of depression. It’s also a type of fat-soluble vitamin that plays a role in the way the body absorbs other nutrients.

But not everywhere in the world is as sunny as California or Florida, which limits access, and because the synthesization process varies from person to person, not everyone has the same capability to intake the proper amounts needed for optimal well-being. This is where supplements come into play.

The difference between vitamin D, vitamin D2, and vitamin D3

Vitamin D is actually available in two forms: vitamin D2 and vitamin D3, and the main difference really is just the source. While D2 is manufactured from plants and fungi (and often the type that’s included in fortified milk, bread, and cereal), D3 is created from animal products and is the kind most similar to that which is naturally made by the body through sunlight exposure. Because of this familiarity, most doctors and nutritionists recommending supplementing with vitamin D3.

The many benefits of Vitamin D3

Vitamin D receptors are found in nearly every cell, and as soon as D binds to a receptor, it turns genes on or off, prompting changes at the cellular level. Studies completed over the last two decades have proven that this process turns off cancer-causing genes, turns on immunoprotective genes, and even tells cells which vitamins and minerals to absorb. This all has a great effect on many important body processes, including:

Bone health

Strong bones are a result of good vitamin D3 intake because it helps regulate and control the body’s ability to absorb phosphorus and calcium—two compounds that provide density and strength to the skeletal system and teeth.

Insulin control

Vitamin D3 may help stimulate the pancreas and trigger the process to make insulin. This is key for managing blood sugar levels more effectively and can help diabetics better control the disease.

Lower blood pressure

A study from Boston University found that those with high blood pressure experienced a drop in numbers when vitamin D levels were increased. D3 actively reduces the concentration of renin, an enzyme secreted by the kidney that has an affect on blood vessels.


Many people suffer from seasonal affective disorder and generally feel happier when the sun is shining because of the synthesis of the vitamin that happens with direct exposure to UVB rays. Increasing levels of vitamin D is not only a pick-me-up but could help manage the symptoms of clinical depression. Other treatments may be needed as well, but first ensuring proper absorption of the vitamin is critical.

Vitamin D deficiencies

In recent years, doctors have begun to pay more attention to the very real issue of vitamin D deficiency and the problems it can cause. Some of the more common include:

  • Severe pain in bones, sometimes leading to stress fractures; a deficiency is also a leading cause of developing osteoporosis
  • Muscle aches and overall weakness
  • Fatigue and general feeling of malaise
  • Depression
  • Difficulty walking

It’s estimated that about 32 percent of children and adults in the U.S. are deficient, and that roughly 50 percent of the population is at risk for developing a deficiency. This is due to a lot of factors, most of which revolve around the sun.

  • Using a lot of sunscreen: While it may seem dangerous to go out into the sun without sunscreen, you’ll need to absorb some of the direct rays to increase vitamin D; most doctors agree that 15 minutes is sufficient and bears little risk
  • Living in areas where pollution can filter out UV rays
  • Spending more time indoors than out
  • Having a darker skin tone that reduces the amount of sunlight that’s able to be absorbed
  • Living in areas with little sunlight or in areas with tall buildings that reduce direct sunlight
  • Working a ‘graveyard’ shift that makes it harder to get into the sun regularly
  • Taking some medications that can reduce vitamin D3 levels, including barbiturates and statins

Getting more vitamin D3

In addition to the general rule of getting more sun, there are some other ways you can get more vitamin D3 on a daily basis. While it’s not a common nutrient in foods (in fact, most plant-based sources don’t have a trace of it), you can find it in:

  • Fortified milk, bread, and cereal (look on the food label)
  • Eggs, in particular yolks
  • Cheese, in particular cheddar
  • Yogurt
  • Fatty fish like sardines or salmon

Supplemental vitamins can also help. The recommended intake is 1,000 IU a day, and it’s important that you always receive clearance from your doctor first. Although vitamin D3 is an over-the-counter option, it is a hormone and should be administered only with professional guidance. A simple blood test can determine if you are in fact deficient and need higher-than-normal concentrations on a daily basis.

When shopping for a supplement, consider some of our favorite supplement options:

SmartyPants Adult Complete Gummies with Multivitamin + Omega-3 + Vitamin D

Who doesn’t like gummies? Even grown-ups can enjoy these fun vitamins that have an all-in-one adult formula with a full suite of nutrients, including plenty of vitamin D as well as Omega-3 fatty acids that promote even more heart health and an additional cognitive boost.

Rainbow Light Berry D-Licious Vitamin D3 Gummies 2,500 IU

Rainbow Light’s formula offers 2,500 IU of vitamin D3 in every tasty raspberry gummy. It’s made of 100 percent natural ingredients with no artificial colors or flavors, preservatives or sweeteners. Each bottle is also guaranteed by the Allergen Safeguard.

Thrive Market Vitamin D3

Your body naturally makes vitamin D when you spend time in the sun, but if you’re not catching enough rays, a supplement may be in order. Ours is formulated with vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), which many health experts believe is more a natural form and easily absorbed by the body, too.

Country Life Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D

Combining calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D, these capsules are designed to encourage maximum absorption of calcium, which supports long-range bone health. They’re made from a vegetarian formula that allows plant-based eaters to get the vitamin D needed to remain healthy.

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