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More About: 'Recipe'

3 Recipes for Cranberries

Moss and humus decorate the land where wild cranberries grow. The fruit thrives in acidic, sandy marshes, where plants and fungi exist in various states of decay and growth.  Cranberries announce themselves between late fall and early winter, appearing as little red dots growing from tangles of stems close to the ground. Their flowers look ...

35+ Healthy, Affordable Dinner Ideas for Families With Kids

Cooking dinner for the whole family is never a simple task, but add in young children and it becomes even trickier to pull off. Luckily, there are a number of family-friendly recipes that go beyond the usual chicken fingers and veggie sticks — and make it so that when your family sits down to the ...

How to Hot Pot: This Communal Meal is Perfect for a Group  

Steam rises toward the ceiling. Cut onions and cabbage are plucked from the soup and dunked into nutty sauce. We sit around the table, in various states of cooking and eating and laughing. Someone stands up to show pictures of their dog to the entire group. Fish cakes go in. Bushels of enoki go in. ...

How to Make Soup: The Ultimate Guide 

It may seem intimidating at first, but making soup at home is one of the easiest ways to incorporate lots of flavorful, nutritious ingredients into one satisfying meal. If you’ve got a few hearty vegetables, a package of meat or legumes, and some fragrant aromatics lying around, you’ve got just about everything you need to ...

Cream Cheese, The Infinite Schmear

Cut to March of last year. It’s six in the morning. The air is tinged with a blueness, and I barely keep my eyes open as I get ready to drive across LA county for a video shoot near the coast.  The kettle comes to the boil; my stomach barks. I scan the half-empty fridge ...

Pamela Salzman’s Herbed Sweet and Spicy Salmon Recipe

This recipe appears in the Thrive Market cookbook, Healthy Living Made Easy. Get your copy here, and find the ingredients in this shopping list.

Rosé Shaved Ice Is the Summertime Treat for Wine Lovers

Light enough to enjoy in the afternoon yet satisfying enough to cap off a delicious meal at night, there are few things more enjoyable and nostalgic than a heaping bowl of shaved ice.  Call it bingsu, granita, piragua, snow cone, slurpee, or slushie — in any culture, shaved ice’s secret power is its adaptability. Hawaiian ...

Talking Biodynamic Farming (and Perfect Pork Chops) with Molly Chester of Apricot Lane Farms

Molly Chester is a farmer—a real-deal farmer, with 234 acres and the pigs to prove it—but like many people, she started out with just a tiny apartment and a tomato plant.  Chester is a traditional foods chef and the co-founder of Apricot Lane Farms, the center of the 2018 documentary “The Biggest Little Farm“. In ...

This Easy Coconut-Grapefruit Ceviche Tastes Like Summer

An excellent ceviche tastes like a celebration of summer: bright, delicate, and most of all fresh.  Flash-frozen at peak freshness, our seafood is the centerpiece in our ode to summer ceviche. To complement the hiqh-quality fish, we amp up the aromatics with citrus zest, layer in multiple forms of acid, and splash in a bit ...

Raid the Fridge for This Low-Waste Fried Rice Recipe

Tossing those broccoli stems and kale ribs into the compost bin is the second-best thing you can do with your vegetable scraps. The first? Eating them. Really!

How Chef Will Coleman Cooks His Way to Community

Picture this: a warm, bustling kitchen with multiple pots simmering on the stove. There’s music on, but you can hardly hear it over the din of laughter and sizzling. Every few minutes the door opens to another smiling face, another armful of groceries, wine, and dessert. It’s crowded, the silverware doesn’t match, and everyone is ...

Yes, You Can Eat Healthily on a Budget—Here’s How

We’ve all been there: we start the week with a stocked fridge and the best intentions of cooking healthy meals all week…and then Monday happens. By the time dinner rolls around, we’re reaching for a takeout menu.

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