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More About: 'Fair-trade'

Celebrate Fair Trade Month with These Thoughtfully Sourced Products

October is Fair Trade Month, which is the perfect time to get to know the supply chains behind all the products you purchase, from their environmental impact to how they treat their farmers. If you don’t currently shop by our Certified Fairly Traded value certification, now is a great time to start. What is Fair ...

Here’s Why Fair Trade Coffee is the Best Choice for National Coffee Day

When you order a cup of coffee at your local cafe, the beans used to make it likely traveled thousands of miles, passed through countless hands, and required an impressive effort to grow, process, roast, and, finally, to brew. Though coffee has been part of the global culture for thousands of years, as the coffee ...

Equal Exchange Remains at the Forefront of the Fair Trade Movement

In celebration of World Fair Trade Day (May 9 this year), we’re spotlighting Equal Exchange, a unique worker-owned company that has been at the forefront of the fair trade movement from its start—but you’d expect nothing less from the first fair trade coffee company in the U.S. Read on to learn how Equal Exchange is ...

What Does Fair Trade Mean?

The fair-trade movement has been around for decades, and has grown into a global alliance of activists, brands, farmers, and consumers who strive to support ethical supply chains and environmental stewardship. On, we’re proud to offer a range of Fair Trade Certified products—everything from tea to coconut oil—so it’s easy for members to shop ...

Get Fair Trade Shopping Tips From Dr. Bronner’s and Fair World Project

With October Fair Trade Month wrapping up, it’s a good time to reflect on why purchasing fair trade products matters and review some tips for how to find authentic fair trade products. The fair trade movement began in the last century as a way to make sure that everyone along a product’s supply chain was ...

How Dr. Bronner’s Fair Trade Practices Empower Communities in Ghana

What if there was a way for you, as a consumer, to support local businesses, help reduce poverty, and enable independent artisans to share their work around the world? When you shop from dedicated fair trade brands, that’s exactly what you’re doing. Authentic fair trade practices have been implemented by brands that make everything from ...

Thrive Tries It: Can a Single Product Replace 18 Different Household Items?

Given all the research that we’re not as good at multitasking as we think we are, I vowed to try and break the habit. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t love multitasking products.

How Every Dollar You Spend on Groceries Impacts a Farmworker

Over the weekend, I moderated a panel discussion about modern agriculture’s impact on the land, as well as the people who work it.

Organic Skin Care Products

Experts say the body absorbs up to 60 percent of what you put on your skin. So if you’re all about eating organic, should you care about switching to organic beauty products, too? The answer is yes!

Coconut Oil 101: What You Need to Know

By now, we’ve all been trained to carefully check nutrition labels and scour ingredient lists. But even so, packaging can sometimes still be confusing. There’s no better example than oh-so-trendy, very versatile coconut oil.

We Love Coconut Oil So Much We Decided to Make Our Own

At Thrive Market, we take our coconut oil seriously. From oil pulling to DIY body scrubs to cooking, we know it’s the ultimate, all-natural go-to, both in and out of the kitchen.

A Global Chocolate Shortage Looms, But Here’s How You Can Help Stop It

For most of us, a world without chocolate is a pretty bleak scenario. No candy bars. No brownies. No hot cocoa. The humanity!

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